Photo by Sara Tucker
Caroline Stevermer grew up on a dairy farm in southeastern Minnesota, a place where”Were you born in a barn?” was not always a rhetorical question.
Her first few years in school were spent in a one-room country schoolhouse where she was the only student in her grade. Once Minnesota consolidated such schools into the state public school system, she attended grade and high school in Houston, Minnesota.
Her novels A COLLEGE OF MAGICS, A SCHOLAR OF MAGICS, and WHEN THE KING COMES HOME draw from the experience of attending Bryn Mawr and studying the history of art, specifically Elizabethan portrait miniatures.
She has also collaborated with Patricia C. Wrede on SORCERY AND CECELIA, THE GRAND TOUR, and THE MISLAID MAGICIAN. On her own, she wrote MAGIC BELOW STAIRS, a middle-grade novel set in the same world. Her other novels include RIVER RATS and THE SERPENT’s EGG.
Her most recent novel is THE GLASS MAGICIAN, from Tor Books. There will be a sequel.
Twitter handle: cstevermer03
email address: cstevermer at yahoo dot com